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<|']['A|> Total Annihilation

<|']['A|> Total Annihilation - Registration Agreement Terms

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Keep cursing in servers and on the forum to a minimum. It is rude, disrespectful, and is not tolerated.Do not cheat or hack!!Participate… in scrims, in TeamSpeak, on the website, etc. An active clan is a fun clan!This is your clan… this in not a second job, we are here to have fun… this should be like a family.Take care of your family. If a member of our clan is having a problem, back them up. If it involves another player, or clan, do everything (reasonably) within your power to make everyone happy. If that is not possible, just leave. Leave the server and/or stop talking to them. Write down what happened, and explain it to a admin. Write down EXACTLY what happened, not with a biased slant… admins will back you up, but not if you make us look foolish.In-clan disagreements will be solved in private and between the parties involved (keep your nose out of other peoples business) If (and only if) you can’t come to an agreement find an admin that is not busy and explain the situation. Don’t let your feelings get hurt if the decision is not in your favor, as admins will be unbiased in conflicts such as this.Do not attempt to publicly defame other players. If you have a problem with a player, take it to them, or to an admin.Harassment or discrimination of any nature (sexual, racial, religious, etc) will NOT be tolerated. Period.Do not do anything that will bring disgrace to TA. This includes foul language, disruptive behavior, spamming, being obnoxious, excessive greifing and/or taunting (there is a fine line here. Use common sense and know when enough is enough)Respect the decisions of admins and scrim leaders at all times. Know that anyone that is put in charge of a scrim knows what they are talking about and you should respect the way that they run the scrim.Generals have the right to remove any player from this clan at any time if they see fit.We all get upset from time to time, but please remember… this is a GAME!!!We will never have a “mandatory” scrim… Unless you are on a ladder team. All planned scrims are encouraged, but this is about having fun.Please keep in mind that not all players are at the same skill level (we were all noobs on some game, at some time) and please try to help your fellow clan members to improve their skills, not make them feel bad for not being as “good” as you.